HAZAMA -A Space Between-

Hazama -A Space Between-
An interactive work
115.0 × 205.0 × 12.9 cm
styrene, sand, projection mapping, laser range scanner
Light, sound, scents.
All are created by waves.
The most visually recognizable form of waves is the movement of water.
All are created by waves.
The most visually recognizable form of waves is the movement of water.
Then what is a shore?
Like a shore that divides the land and sea, is there a boarder that divides all?
This is an interactive piece of a borderline where two worlds meet within a constant ebb and flow of energy.
Like a shore that divides the land and sea, is there a boarder that divides all?
This is an interactive piece of a borderline where two worlds meet within a constant ebb and flow of energy.
The viewer is the moon.
By approaching the piece, the tides rise.
By approaching the piece, the tides rise.

Ryotaro Muramatsu / NAKED
25-8 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya,
Shibuya-ku Tokyo 1510062 / Japan
Shibuya-ku Tokyo 1510062 / Japan